Vitória Mendonça and friends skating around the globe for her Superstar ADV Colorway.
We're happy because we had the chance to spend a few days in Paris and Barcelona with Vi, watching her process in first person.
“Quero ver os meus no mesmo lugar, quero poder existir sem ter que lutar, viver o que sou sem medo do que os outros irão pensar. Quero que sonhar não seja um privilégio, quero que o amor seja a lei do universo.“ - Vitória Mendonça “I want to see my people in the same place, I want to be able to exist without having to fight, to live who I am without fear of what others will think. I want dreaming not to be a privilege, I want love to be the law of the universe.” -
Find the homies Sam Narváez, Kevin White, Shag, Maité Steenhoudt and more!
Filmed and edited by: David Serrano
Additional filming by: Diego Juan Vargas, Marcos De Souza, Mike Lemma, Pipa Sousa, Vitor Borges, Luis Felipe Ferreira
16mm by David Serrano
Titles by: Vitória Mendonça
Produced by: IMA
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